Ten men have been nominated for the Undergraduate Committee of the Union for the year 1923-1924, as the result of selections made by the Undergraduate Committee. Additional nominations will be placed on the ballots if a petition, signed by 25 Union members, is received before 9.30 o'clock Monday morning.
The election will be carried on by postal ballot, and cards bearing the names of the nominees will be sent out come time next week to all members of the Union. Thursday, April 12, is the last day on which votes will be accepted, ballots received after this date not counting in the election.
As a result of the voting, five men will be elected to membership on the committee. One man will be chosen from the Junior class, and two from each the Sophomore and Freshman classes.
The nominations are:
1924 (One to be Elected)
John Redfield Hoover of Boise, Idaho, Corliss Lamont of Englewood, N. J.
1925 (Two to be Elected)
Joseph Kinney Collins of Dorchester.
John Gedney Cushman of Montclair, N. J.
Cedric Munroe Hastings of Framingham.
Howard Parker Sharp of Pittsburgh, Pa.
1926 (Two to be Elected)
Robert Gay Allen of Andover
Nathaniel Saltonstall Howe of New York, N. Y.
John Elliott Knowlton of West Upton.
William Thomas Reed III of Brookline.
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