

Have Been Forced to Row Inside for Two Days--Six Freshman Eights Will Enter Informal Race Tomorrow

Because of the cold weather and the ice on the river the crews from both Newell and Weld boat houses have had to be content with rowing inside for the last two days. Today they will probably go out again, and tomorrow the first informal race of the season will be held in the Charles Basin between the six Freshman eights. The four crews of autumn crew material, the experienced football material, and the inexperienced football material will be the contestants over a one-mile course. The principal object of the race is to help Coach Bert Haines in grading the 1926 men.

It has been announced that Mr. A. W. Moffit who volunteered to coach the Smith Halls crews this spring, has been forced to resign on account of ill health. H. G. Curran '25, who has recently been on the University squad, will take over the supervision of these crews in the future.

At a meeting of the 150-pound combination crews three, four, and five, at the Union yesterday afternoon the following captains were elected:

Crew 3, Alexander Moss White Jr. '25 of Brooklyn, N. Y., Crew 4, Edward Donald Emerson 4E.S. of Duluth, Minn.; Crew 5, Samuel Gilbert Houghton '25 of Chestnut Hill.
