Mr. A. K. Porter, professor of Fine Arts, has been chosen as exchange professor to represent the University in France during the year 1923-24.
Professor Porter, who is generally regarded as one of the leading American authorities on medieval architecture, graduated from Yale in 1904, and from 1915 to 1920 served on the Yale teaching staff, first as lecturer on the history of art and later as assistant professor. In 1920 he was appointed professor of the history of art and later as assistant professor. In 1920 he was appointed professor of the history of art at Harvard. At present he is on leave of absence in Europe. His selection as exchange professor recalls the fact that he was the one American scholar in art and architecture who was singled out by the French government during the war to assist in the plans for the reconstruction or preservation of the monuments of France which were damaged in the war. The present Harvard representative in France is Professor Irving Babbitt.
Fellowship to Professor Spaulding
Mr. H. G. Spaulding, professor at the George Washington University Law School in Washington, has been appointed for next year to the Ezra Ripley Thayer Teaching Fellowship at the Harvard Law School, where he will be engaged in graduate study. Professor Spaulding graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1900 and took his law degree at Harvard three years later. The fellowship which he will hold was established in memory of the late Dean Thayer.
Seventeen men have been awarded Sheldon Travelling Fellowships by the University, to enable them to spend the year 1923-24 in travel and study. Three of these men, Dr. G. W. Allpert '19, R. P. Casey '19, and Dr. Hallowell Davis '18, are reappointed. Dr. Allport took his Ph.D. degree last year in psychology, Mr. Casey took his S.T.B. degree at the same time and is now studying theology, while Dr. Davis is a graduate of the Medical School and is working in the field of physiology.
The men newly appointed to Sheldon Fellowships, with the subjects in which they are doing advanced work, are H. W. Brinkmann 2G. (mathematics) J. N. D. Bush 2G. (English), F. M. Carey 4G. (classics), C. W. Eliot 2d 3S. L. A. (landscape architecture), C. A. Glover 2G.B. (finance), Charles Hartshorne 2G. (philosophy), J. L. Hotson 2G. (English), C. H. Houston gr.1. (law), D. H. Linder 2G. (botany), S. R. McCandless 3S.A. (architecture), Miller McClintock '24 (government), J. C. Palamountain 3G. (romance philology), Albert Palmer 5E.S. (engineering), and J. C. Slater 3G. (physics).
Corporation Makes Three Awards
Three fellowships and scholarships for the current year have been awarded by the Corporation. A John Harvard Fellowship in fine arts goes to M. F. Webber of Boston, a second-year graduate student; a University Scholarship to J. R. Brewster of Auburndale, a student in the Theological School; and the Josiah Dwight Whitney Scholarship for the summer study of field geology or geography to M. P. Billings '23, of Jamaica Plain.
The David A. Wells prize of five hundred dollars for the best thesis in economics, embodying the results of original investigation, written by a Senior in the College or a graduate of any department of not more than three years' standing, has been awarded to Jacob Viner, who took the degree of Ph.D. at Harvard in 1922 and is now teaching at the University of Chicago.
Sabbatical leave of absence has been granted to Professor H. W. Foote for the year 1923-24 and to Professors C. H. Grandgent and W. Z. Ripley for the second half of the same year
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