Tomorrow night at 7 o'clock two CRIMSON competitions will open at a meeting in Standish Hall Common Room. These competitions are in the News and Business departments, and will last eight and ten weeks respectively. The speakers at the meeting, which is open to all men interested whether or not they plan to enter these competitions, will be Fifield Workum '20, a former president of the CRIMSON, the present holder of that office, the managing editor, and the business manager. The general work of the CRIMSON, as well as the details of the competitions, will be explained in the speeches
At the end of their Sophomore year, three of the 1926 members of the new department will be chosen as assistant managing editors to enter the competition for managing editor. The winner of this contest automatically becomes president in his Senior year. In the business department, two Sophomores are chosen assistant business managers a compete for the office of business manager.
Actual work for the news candidates will not begin until Wednesday night, out the candidates for the business end will be permitted to attend the advertising talk in the CRIMSON Sanctum after he meeting on Tuesday night.
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