

Editorial Candidates Will Meet Under W. I. Nichols, Photographers Under E. W. Marshall, Artists Under F. B. Turner

The three remaining competitions for the Freshman Red Book will start with meetings of the candidates for the Editorial, Photographic, and Arts and Cuts departments in the rooms of the department chairmen on Monday.

The Editorial candidates will meet under the Editorial chairman, W. I. Nichols '26, who will explain the details of the work. The competition will last six weeks, at the end of which time about ten men will be taken onto the board. The decision will be made chiefly on the basis of ability shown in writing up summaries and gathering statistics of the Freshman activities.

Candidates for the Photographic Department will meet in the room of the chairman, E. W. Marshall '26. The work in this competition will consist of taking snapshots, in which there will be a great opportunity for originality; of arranging for individual and group pictures; and of writing the individual records of the men in the class.

The Arts and Cuts chairman, F. B. Turner '26, will explain the work of that department in designing the various cuts for the Red Book.
