

Affirmative Defeats Rival by 2 to 1 Vote on Judges' Decision

PRINCETON, N. J., March 23. Harvard defeated Princeton here tonight by judges decision, the vote being 2 to 1. President Hibben of Princeton presided, and the judges were Mr. L. C. Griscom, Mr. Arthur Kuhn, and Professor John Logan.

The principal arguments used by the University debaters follow:

R. S. Fanning '23, speaking first for Harvard, outlined our policy as one of helpful cooperation. He pointed out that the Administration was merely carrying out a mandate of the people as established by the election of 1920.

R. S. Bowers '24 emphasized the fact that the conditions in Europe today are prohibitive to our entering into relations with the nations across the Atlantic. He cited the fact that no less than six secret treaties had been entered into between various European nations since the armistice.

Concluding the argument for the affirmative, Philip Walker '25 showed that the policy of the Administration has always been friendly to Europe and gave as instances our aid in suppressing the opium traffic and the Washington Conference.


The Princeton debaters were A. M. Barbhart, A. Kabet, and G. L. Ridgeway.
