For the benefit of those members of the University who still cherish the ideals of its founder, who still believe that every man has the inviolable right to be seen as well as heard, and who have felt that the supporters of the glorious banner of freedom were flagging of late; we are glad to be able to print, bit by bit, as it comes to light the hitherto unpublished journal of a freeman, a pioneer of the proletariat, who has been sustaining single-handed for years a magnificent fight against the forces of repression. If the daring entries are fragmentary at first, allowance must be made for the tremendous pressure brought to bear by a capitalistic society to have the whole suppressed. The diary begins abruptly:
"Oct. 3.--The great plan is beginning to be felt. Arrived in Boston and showed my characteristic contempt for the established order in a well-spent evening scratching matches on all the front doors along Beacon Street. Most satisfactory".
Dear Sir:
I know we lost the basketball series, but isn't it stretching the proprieties a point to come out as you did before the game with the headline: "Yale Five To Have Edge Tonight"? OMAR.
The Meanest Man in the World, remarked Colonel Bygad, is the one sitting next you in the subway who buys a paper at Park Street Under and carries it, tightly folded, all the way to Harvard, for fear of your reading it over his shoulder.
Say, I bin readin yer 8 moist Havurd poets for de foist time an on de level guy its de woist hokum I ever seen. Theys each one twict as bad as the rest. Its lousy dats the woid lousy. Over the radio from 33rd Street.
"Sweet girl, she came into the world
"To see a sample of its misery.
"She tasted of its bitter cup.
"And tried to drink the potion up.
"Then gently turned her head aside
"Disgusted with the taste and died." Mama and Papa.
Now that the offer comes up from New Haven of a thousand dollars for a song, anything may happen. Something ought to be done to stop this subsidizing of aesthetics.
The breakfast table reader who is always claiming that "they don't give you your money's worth these days", at last may find balm in Gilead. A penny weekly is published in England with the title alone of THE FARHAM. HASLEMERE AND HINDHEAD HERALD, ALTON MAIL, BORDON AND LONGMOOR JOURNAL, LIPHOOK AND LISS NEWS AND NORTH SUSSEX ADVERTISER.
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