

Coach Fisher and Hubbard Will Address Candidates for 1923 Eleven--Spring Practice to Start on Monday

A meeting for all men who expect to report for the football squad next fall will be held this Friday evening at 7 o'clock in the Varsity Club. J. H. Sherburne '24, football manager for the coming year, has emphasized the fact that all men who are coming out for football next fall, regardless of whether they will take part in spring football practice or not, should attend. Coach Fisher '12 and C. J. Hubbard '24, captain-elect, will address the meeting and slow motion pictures will be shown of the Harvard-Yale football game last fall.

Spring practice, the plans for which will be explained by Coach Fisher and Captain Hubbard at the Varsity Club, will start next Monday, March.26. If weather conditions are favorable work will be continued for three weeks, and will not be taken up again until next fall. It is expected that W. H. Churchill '23 and P. F. Coburn ocC., both of whom will graduate this spring, will assist in the coaching next fall.

The schedule for 1923 gives the Crimson its opening contest with Rhode Island State on Saturday, October 6. A game with Middlebury will be played on October 13, followed a week later by the Holy Cross game. The next contest of the season will be with Dartmouth on October 27. For the first time since 1919 a University football team will meet Tufts in a game which will take the place of the Florida contest held here last year. This game, which will be in the Stadium on November 3, will be preparatory for the last three games of the year, with Princeton, Brown, and Yale.
