

Penrose and La Farge to Speak for Conservatives--Roots and Begg for progressive Side

Tonight at 7 o'clock in Harvard 1 the Debating union will discuss the French occupation of the Ruhr. The meeting will be open to all members of the university. The Conservative Club, represented by Boies Penrose II '25 and F. W. La Farge '25 will oppose it for the Progressives. Mr. E. A. Whitney '19, secretary of the Committee on the Choice of Electives, will preside.

The Debating union is holding its third meeting in a college building rather than in the union, in order that all members of the University may attend.

There will be three divisions in the seating in Harvard 1 tonight. At the extreme right of the presiding officer will sit the members of the Conservative Club, while the Progressive wing will be on the left. The middle will be reserved for the audience, who will sit on the left or right side of this division according to their Progressive or Conservative leanings.

After the two principal speakers on each side of the debate have given their case, the floor will be thrown open to the two clubs and the audience at the same time. In recognizing those who wish to speak Mr. Whitney will alternate between Progressives and Conservatives. Each speaker from the floor will be limited strictly to two minutes.

Anyone wishing to leave at any time during the progress of the debate may do so. It is not expected that the meeting will last longer than 8.45 o'clock.


As in the previous discussions of the Debating Union, the decision on the question will be rendered by a vote of all those present.
