

Management Succeeds in Adding Game to University Schedule--Yale Contest to be played Tuesday, March 20

As a final preparation before the concluding contest of the season with Yale on Tuesday, March 20, the basketball manager has just arranged a game for the University team with St. Francis College of Brooklyn, New York, to be played in Hemenway gymnasium this Friday evening at 8.15 o'clock.

The Crimson quintet has had a fairly successful season so far with 13 victories and four defeats Of the latter Dartmouth has been responsible for two, the first at Hanover by the score 49-37 and the second in the game at Cambridge with the score 28-25. Early in the season the Connecticut Agricultural College defeated the University by a margin of two points, 39-37, although the Crimson was 13-15. In the first of two games scheduled Yale defeated the University by the score 36-28. The Blue jumped into the lead us the opening of the game with a free throw and although dropping behind immediately afterward, noon regained the led and kept it to the end. Each side scored exactly one-half of their points on free throws, Suisman of Yale caging 18 for his team.

The first six games on the schedule the Crimson won, and all but one of them by decisive scores. St. Michael College was easily defeated 52-31 in the initial game of the season, with Gordon and Lowenthal scoring eight and nine field goals respectively. In the next month Clark University fell by the score of 4928, Middlebury 46-26, Knox College 33-29, Amherst 50-25, and Williams 46-28. After the defeat at the hands of the Connecticut Aggies, the New Hampshire game was called off because of the sickness of the entire Hampshire team, while the next three games were victories over Worcester Technology by the score of 28-20, Massachusetts Agricultural College 23-20, and the University of Maine 36-23. The second defeat of the year followed at Hanover. The Crimson was leading at half time due to the consistent foul shooting of Captain Gordon and field goal shooting of Lowenthal, but the Green recovered in the second half and soon regained a lead which it held to the end.

Worcester Tech Defeated

Worcester Tech was defeated in the second of a two out of three game series which it played with the Crimson. Rhode Island State College fell 37-31, while in the next game, the Crimson was beaten by the Blue 28-36. Then in the succeeding two games, the University scored heavily on both M. I. T. and Brown, defeating both by the scores of 28-18 and 36-18 respectively. The last game played was with Dartmouth which the University lost 28-25 after an extra five-minute period.


The outstanding player on the squad this season has been Captain Lewis Gordon '24. In the majority of the games he has led the scoring in field goals and has been responsible for shooting many of the goals after fouls.

The Freshman basketball team will play the University team this afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Freshman Athletic Building in preparation for the game with the Yale Freshmen on Saturday, March 17. The Crimson team is also holding an evening practice in order to become accustomed to playing under lights. The whole squad is in excellent condition with the exception of J. Reed, who injured his ankle in the Andover game and will probably be unable to play on Saturday.

The Yale Freshmen have been defeated by Suffield 27-26, St. John's 41-26; and Choate 24-23, thus losing three games against ten they have won, including a victory over Andover 38-13. In all they have accumulated 413 points against 273 for their opponents
