Ideal rowing conditions featured the initial open water work-out of the two University eights on Boston harbor yesterday.
Crews A and B left the Shawmut boat club shortly after 5 o'clock with Coach Muller in the coxswain's seat of the seconds. The water of Fort Point Channel was eceptionally smooth and free from floating ice, an unobstructed stretch of nearly a mile being available. The two crews paddled side by side over the first mile matching each other stroke for stroke. After this preliminary spin Coach Muller took the second eight down stream for half a mile and sent the first crew back over the half-mile upstream course. Over two miles were covered altogether.
For the first few days it is planned to devote the greater part of the time to getting the oarsmen accustomed to our-door conditions. However, the unusually long time that it has been necessary to continue on the machines makes it imperative that intensive training be adopted as early as possible, and the coaches will probably start their charges on a more rigid routine soon.
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