

Present Occupants Will be Required to Hand in Blanks to Bursar's Office by 1 o'Clock--Applications for New Rooms May be Obtained on March 19

Today is the last day on which rooms in the college-owned dormitories may be re-engaged by the present occupants for next year. The Bursar's Office will require that the blanks which have been provided for this purpose be handed in to it by 1 o'clock.

Applications to rooms in the College dormitories that have not been re-engaged may be obtained at the Bursar's office on March 19 and they must be handed an by 1 o'clock on April 5.

Room applications for Perkins Walt Hastings and Conant Halls may also be obtained on March 12. Applications to rooms in Perkins Hall may be obtained from the Dean's office in the Business School, those or Walter Hastings from the secretary of the law school and these for Conant Hall, the dormitory to students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences from the secretary, Mr. W. Robinson '95 in University 24.

Applications for rooms in the College dormitories of the These Logical School tray also be obtained on March 19 from the secretary of the Theological School.
