A very remarkable collection of textbooks from the collection of Mr. George A. Plimpton of New York, the senior partner of Ginn and Co., is now on exhibition in the Treasure Room of Widener Library. The collection, supplemented by everything which bears on the subject of Education throughout the centuries, contains manuscripts of the works which were regarded as the sources of learning in the middle ages, down to horn-books, primers, and even samplers of a later day. The collection will be in the Treasure Room for about three weeks.
The books which Mr. Plimpton has lent to the College Library bear on religious education--manuscripts of the Fathers of the Church, Ambrose, Augustine, Isidore of Seville, Peter Lombard, and many others, which were the means of instruction for the clergy, and catechisms, primers, and little manuscript compendiums of doctrine of the 13th and 14th centuries, designed for the use of children and those ignorant of Latin.
Among the catechisms are those of Edward VI, Luther, the Council of Trent, Father Vaux, an English Reformer, John Calvin, and others both earlier and later. The primers, which usually contain catechisms and other elementary religious instruction, include copies of two of those issued by Henry the Eighth and the New England Primer, on which our ancestors in the eighteenth century were brought up.
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