
Glee Club at Milton Tonight

About 50 members of the University Glee Club will give a concert at Milton Academy at Milton at 8.30 o'clock tonight. The program will be given before the convention of the New England Headmasters Association which is now in session at Milton.

Dr. A. T. Davison '06 will conduct, and the soloists will be George Renwick '24, L. R. Ring 1G., M. L. Brown '25, and J. E. Mitchell 1L.

The program will be as follows: Adoramus Te,  Palestrina Cherubic Hymn,  Tschesnokov Break Forth, O Beauteous Heav'nly Light,  Bach Fire, Fire, My Heart,  Morley Vieille Priere Bouddhique,  Boulanger   Soloist, George Renwick '24. Adieu, Sweet Amarallis,  Willdye Choral Hymns from the Rig-Veda,  Holst Hymn to Manas   Soloist, L. R. Ring 1G. Hymn to Soma To Agni Pirate Song,  Gilbert   Soloist, M. L. Brown '25. Russian Folk Songs Song of the Lifeboat Men   Soloist, J. E. Mitchell 1L. Fireflies At Father's Door Drake's Drum,  Coloridge-Taylor
