

Mr. Carruth Comments on Life of Painter of Fifteenth Century

Mr. Charles Theodore Carruth illustrated the works of Sandro Botticelli with exceptionally clear-cut illustrations in color yesterday evening in the Wright Memorial Library of the Episcopal Theological School. His lecture was the fourth of a series on Italian art which Mr. Carruth has delivered on consecutive Monday evenings. He has travelled widely in Europe, collecting masterpieces of painters and making a special study of the Florentine renalssance.

The speaker outlined briefly the life of Sandro Botticelli, who was born in 1444 and had produced a masterpiece before he reached the age of 25. He emphasized the fact that Botticelli remained unheralded until, at the end of the sixteenth century. Ruskin became active in bringing him into prominence. In commenting on his works, Mr. Carruth pointed out the personaltly expressed in the painter's figures, praising especially "Prime Vera" with its implied action in every group.

Mr. Carruth will speak on Wednesday, February 14, at 4.30 o'clock, in the Fogg Art Museum, he announced last night. His subject will be "Glotto's frescoes in the Arena Chapel at Padua".
