

Rabbi Wise Declares that Allegiance to Palestinian Movement Does Not Mean Giving Up of Local Patriotism

"Allegiance to the Palestinian movement on the part of the Jews does not mean that they give up their allegiance to the country in which they live", said Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise, in his speech to the Menorah Society yesterday afternoon. Rabbi Wise is perhaps the foremost member of the Jewish religious order in this country, and extremely prominent in promoting the Zionist movement.

Rabbi Wise went on to discuss the condition of Jews in Europe as he saw it upon his recent visit there. "The members of the Jewish race in England", he said, "are more loyal to the British government than to their own race. The help which they gave to England in the Palestine campaign was due entirely to patriotism for England. In France, Judaism has almost disappeared, but a sharp contrast to this is to be found in Germany and German Austria. There, there is a wave of anti-Semitic feeling which has found expression in the murder of such men as Rathenau".

Rabbi Wise concluded by saying that the English administration has accomplished a great deal of good in Palestine, especially in regard to sanitation and general enlightenment, and that the Bal-four declaration, in favor of the Zionist movement was a reward for the help given to General Allenby by the Jews during his Palestine campaign.


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