There is a tradition which grows up around all "sanctums" and "holies of holies," that makes them doubly attractive on account of their very sanctity. At certain colleges, no doubt, half the lure of secret societies lies in their forbidden buildings; just as in an earlier age the vulgar stood in curious wonder outside the inner shrine which only the initiate could enter.
A somewhat similar tradition has grown up here around an institution that is otherwise well known--the 47 Workshop. Its fame has spread abroad, and it is, by reputation at least, as familiar an interest in the University as any--except for its exclusiveness. Only the privileged have been able to share in its rites, and on that account it has assumed an atmosphere of mystery that inspires awe and admiration in profane minds.
But that exclusiveness has not been altogether voluntary. Limited by the small capacity of Agassiz House, its audiences have necessarily been few; and they have had to be chosen from those best fitted to serve it and be served--graduates and outsiders with some special interest in the drama.
The announcement that the tradition is at least to be broken, and that students of the college will be allowed to look behind the curtain of the Workshop, will be sufficient in itself to arouse interest. The fact that the play is an especially good one, and that the invitation may not be repeated soon again, are added reasons for marking February 19 "Reserved" in the calendar of coming events.
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