The first meeting of the Freshman dormitory choruses will be held this evening at 7 o'clock in the Common Rooms of the respective halls. The object of the choruses will be briefly explained by A. W. Wright 4M., who is in charge of the singing at the Freshman Jubilee. Following this a short rehearsal will take place in each of the three halls.
B. S. Cogan '23, Dallas Blair-Smith '24, and R. P. Bullard '24 will supervise the Smith, Gore, and Standish choruses respectively until the competitions for the Freshman leaders begin. Each hall will arrange its rehearsals, which will last for about half an hour, on that night of the week most suitable for the leader and the majority of members.
The aim of the hall choruses is to stimulate interest in singing among all men in the Freshman class, and the songs for the Jubilee will be selected with an aim to interest men and not merely to produce a good musical effect.
The choruses of the three halls will sing in a competition at the Jubilee, President Lowell presenting the winning chorus with a silver loving cup which will be the property of the hall until the next competition. At present the cup is in the possession of Gore Hall.
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