

Students in Various Departments Total 6357--Massachusetts Contributes 39 Per Cent--Law School Distribution Is Most Completely National

Every state in the United States, nearly all the territorial possessions, and 41 foreign countries are represented among the 6357 students enrolled for study this year in the various departments of the University, according to figures officially compiled at the University and made public last night.

Massachusetts Leads Others

Massachusetts has naturally the largest state delegation at Harvard. There are 2464 students from Massachusetts homes; a little less than 39 per cent of the whole student body of the University comes from this state. New York stands second among the states, with 794 students: Pennsylvania is third with 285: Ohio is fourth, with 252: and Illinois. New Jersey, California, Maine, and Connection follow in that order. The smallest state groups are those from Nevada and New Mexico: each of these states has but five men enrolled at the University.

Law Students Well Distributed

Among the divisions of the University the Law School has apparently the most completely national distribution. Only about a quarter of the 1019 law student come from New England. There are more men from California in the Law School than from Maine and Connection combined and more men from the State of Washington than from New Hampshire. About 30 per cent of the Business School students are New Englanders, nearly 40 per cent of the medical students and almost precisely 40 per cent of those in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. New England contributes 55 1-2 per cent of the 2744 undergraduates in the College; the other 44 1-2 per cent includes representatives of every state in the Union four outlying possessions and 17 foreign countries.
