"French Opinion and the Great Political Problems of the Day" has been chosen as the title for the public lecture to be given at the University this evening by Monsieur Firmin Roz, French author and lecturer and assistant director of the Office National des Universites et Grandes Ecoles Francaises. The lecture will be delivered in Emerson D at 8 o'clock, the public being admitted without charge. M. Roz will speak in French.
M. Roz has been laureate of the French Academy three times. Always interested in American history and literature, he has written much on the subject, and his book on "I'Energie americaine" was crowned by the French Academy. In 1912 he was awarded the James Hazen Hyde Prize for the literary work which was most valuable in developing friendly relations between France and America. Since 1919 he has held his present position in the Office National.
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