This evening at 8 o'clock in the Sanctum of the Crimson Building, Mr. R. S. Durstine of the advertising firm of Barton, Durstine, and Osborn, will give the first of a series of Tuesday evening lectures on advertising and its connection with the business world. These lectures, all of which will be held in the Crimson Building, are under the auspices of the Crimson and the Lampoon, and will be open to all members of the University.
Mr. Durstine, whose talk will be the keynote of the entire series, will take for his subject "The Function of the Advertising Agency." A Princeton graduate, he spent several years as a reporter on the New York "Sun". Since then, he has become prominent in advertising circles, and is the author of "Making Advertisements and Making Them Pay", as well as numerous articles on this and similar business subjects.
The series of lectures which is being given here this year is similar to a series which met with marked success at Princeton a year ago. An outstanding feature is that all the talks will be informal and short. Members of the audience will be free to ask any questions which they desire to have answered, and the general plan is to have the meetings resemble discussion groups.
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