

"Origin of the Earth" is Subject of Astronomer's Talk Tonight

"The Origin of the Earth" is the subject of Professor Harlow Shapley's lecture at the open meeting in the University Observatory from 7.30 until 9 o'clock tonight. This is the fourth of a series of seven open meetings of this season which give the public the opportunity to make stellar observations whenever the weather permits. If the weather is clear this evening every one present will be able to use a telescope.

Professor Shapley's talk will open this evening's program. He has been director of the University Observatory for many years and did astronomical work at Mt. Wilson before coming to the University. He was one of the three speakers at the science symposium on "The Origin of Life" last month in Emerson Hall, his particular subject being "Life Throughout the Universe."

The meeting this evening is open to the public, but admission will be only by tickets which may be obtained by telephoning University 0390 between 9 and 11 o'clock this morning.
