

Walker, Bowman, and MacVeagh Will Talk to 1927 Candidates--Council and Debating Union in Charge

Tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock in the Smith Halls Common Room a Freshman discussion club, for the purpose of promoting debating, will be organized under the auspices of the University Debating Council and the Harvard Debating Union. All members of the Freshman class who are interested in debating are urged to be present in order that a just estimation of future club membership may be obtained.

Council and Union to Supervise

It is planned to conduct the meetings, every two weeks, directly by the Debating Council and Debating Union authorities until the Freshmen become acquainted with one another and are able to elect a president. This election will take place as soon as possible, perhaps at the third meeting, for it is desirable that the Freshmen take control as soon as they can.

To Debate Value of Activities

At the meeting tomorrow evening Philip Walker '25 and F. E. Bowman '24, president and secretary respectively of the Debating Council, and Charlton MacVeagh '24, who will represent the Debating Union, will address the Freshmen at the meeting. Following their talks, which will last 15 minutes, will be a discussion on the question "Resolved: that the value of extra-curriculum activities justifies their present status." This discussion will not be prolonged after 8 o'clock unless by a special vote of those present.
