Mystery to the superlative degree will be the motive of "Dr. Hyde and Mr. Seek," the Pi Eta's annual play, which will be given its first public performance in the Pi Eta theatre in January.
The action of the play centers around Peggy Reese, played by C. H. Morgan '24, a charming young lady of Vermont. Her two devoted admirers, Loring Hyde and Joseph Ivanovitch Seekenin, better known as Dr. Hyde and Mr. Seek, furnish all the mysterious complications of the play in their amorous efforts to win favor in the eyes of their adored. Dr. Hyde will be played by E. S. Washburn '25 and Mr. Seek, by E. E. Sawin '25.
The complete cast and chorus are as follows: Poines: W. L. Chapin '24, C. W. Child '24, A. W. Dole '24, L. F. Holmes '24 K. N. Rogers '26, and A. R. Weed '25. Chorus Girls: A. L. Coburn '24, Marc Peter 1 G. B., Donald Spencer '26, H. W. Spencer '24, E. W. Stevens' 24, B. S. Wood '25. Chorus men: J. M. Bruce '25, H. M. Gaston '24, M. W. Mc Creevy '24, P. F. Pend '25, J. H. Smith '25, H. A. Wood '24. In addition to the numbers planned for the chorus, there will be several specialty numbers but Mr. G. V. C. Lord, coach of the production, has not definitely announced these acts as yet. A new song has just been added to the list of musical numbers being prepared for the play. Composed by A. A. Fisk '22, who wrote the 1922 Pi Eta music, the new song will be called "Back Bay Blues."
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