

Surprising Number of Articles Lost in Rain and Mud Are Salvaged--Things Left at Other Games Recovered

Excavations made in the mud of the Stadium during the past week, have unearthed a surprising number of articles which were lost in the general confusion of the Yale game, a week ago Saturday. According to a report made to the Harvard Athletic Association by Mr. Dennis Enright, superintendent of grounds at Soldiers Field, umbrellas and raincoats head the list of discoveries, some 15 of these having been found.

Eight ladies' umbrellas, four gentlemen's umbrellas, four raincoats, one poncho, one fur neckpiece, one scarf, one auto robe, three blankets, one steamer rug, two pillows, one wicker seat, one rubber belt, one gentleman's kid glove, one pair of ladies rubbers, one pair of glasses, and one stop watch.

These articles have all been taken to the office of the Harvard Athletic Association, where they will be returned to those owners who call and describe the property which they have lost.

The Athletic Association still has, as well, a collection of relics of the Holy Cross, Dartmouth, and Brown games. In these cases the weather had less influence on the nature of the discovered articles. Instead of raincoats and umbrellas, the list includes large numbers of coat belts, gloves, and steamer rugs, as well as one fraternity pin.

The list of articles, by games, is given below:


Holy Cross: two steamer rugs, one blanket, one auto robe, one overcoat, one glove, one fur neckpiece, three coat belts.

Dartmouth: one fur neck piece, one tobacco pouch, one opera glass case, two pairs of gloves, one watch, one fraternity pin, one watch fob, and six odd gloves.

Brown: one gentleman's fur coat, one ladies' coat, one field glass case, six coat belts, and one steamer rug.
