

No Injuries Will Hamper Crimson Team--Maher, Gordon, Combs, Rudofsky, and Samborski Will Start Game

HARVARD  CLARK Maher, r.f.  l.g., Sachs Gordon, l.f.  r.g., Towne Combs, c.  c., Kalijarvi Samborski, r.g.  l.f., Potter Rudofsky, l.g.  r.f., Loomis

The University basketball team will meet Clark University this evening at the Hemenway Gymnasium in the opening game of the season. The game will begin at 8 o'clock and an admission fee of 50 cents will be charged

Coach Wachter has the full strength of his squad available for play. Combs has fully recovered from the injury which he received in scrimmage last week. He will start at center, but he will be relieved by McElroy if there is any recurrence of his injury. The forward combination of Captain Gordon and Maher seems the most effective of the many which have been tested in the scrimmages this week, but Smith will undoubtedly get into the game for a considerable period. He is a better shot than Maher and a very clever ball-handler. He will be a hard man to keep out of the regular line-up. Merriam is another forward who is likely to be used.

Veterans Play Defensive Positions

Rudofsky and Samborski will play the guards positions. The former is a much improved player. Last year he was probably the most effective standing guard on the squad, but he was weak on the offense. This year, however, his passing has improved and he has developed into a real scoring threat. Black, a regular last year, will be the first substitute guard called upon.


If the score allows, Coach Wachter will use as many substitutes as possible in the closing stages of the game. he anticipates a close contest, however, despite the victories that Harvard has gained over Clark in the past three years. The visitors were overwhelmed last year by the score of 49 to 28. The year before the University five registered a 43 to 29 triumph. In 1920 the Crimson had only a two-point margin, the score being 26 to 24. This year's line-up contains three veterans, Kalijarvi, Loomis, and Towne, and they should furnish formidable opposition tonight.

Crimson Handicapped by Shortness

Coach Wachter feels that the chief handicap of the University quintet is lack of height. Almost every strong player on the squad is shorter than the average. This will prove a three-fold disadvantage. The Crimson is likely to lose the ball in the toss-up at center, in the toss-up from scrimmage, and from the rebound off the back-board. To offset this handicap, unusual cleverness in getting possession of the ball in scrimmage is essential. The two Sophomores in the starting line-up, Maher and Combs, have shown marked ability in emerging from scrimmage with the ball. This facility coupled with their aggressiveness has given them the call over more experienced players.
