Only four members of the cast for the Miracle Play which the Dramatic Club will present on Monday and Tuesday played in the Christmas plays given last year. The whole company, however, has been rehearsing for some time in the Germanic Museum.
Due to the smallness of the room, of the Museum in which the play is to be acted--the audience will be limited to 150 persons and the performance will be given four times, at 7.30 and again at 9 o'clock on December 18 and 19.
The presentation is the Chaundler play of the Towneley cycle, dealing with the Annunciation to Mary, The Adoration of the Infant by the Shepherds and Kings, and with the flight into Egypt. The translation by R. C. Burrell '24 and Donald Stralem '25 is in semi-poetical form.
Of the cast of twelve persons, only one is playing a part which he played last year. Philip Wardner '24 is acting the part of Herod for the second time. B. K. Little 1T.S., who plays Gabriel this year, was cast as the King of England in 1922 in the "Lutterworth Christmas Play." R. de S. Childs '24 and E. R. Childs '24 were also members of the casts for last December. The feminine parts are taken by two Radcliffe girls, Miss Zabelle Bayentz and Miss Dorothy Leadbetter. Other actors are all full members of the Dramatic Club.
The complete cast is as follows:
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