A petition asking for a recount of the vote for Orator in the Senior Class elections was handed in to the Senior Nominating Committee last night.
A committee of three men, appointed by the President of the Student Council in whose care the ballots had been left, found that the totals after the recount tallied exactly with those announced Wednesday evening by the Junior Nominating Committee.
The petition was worded as follows: "Believing that doubts as to the validity of the vote for Orator of the Senior Class could be dispelled by a recount of the ballots, I petition the Nominating Committee for a recount."
Committee Affirms Former Results
The Committee, which made the recount was composed of Philip Walker '25, representing R. S. Bowers '24, J. G. Cushman '25, representing Charlton MacVeagh '24, and Joe de Ganahi '25, representing the Junior Counting Committee, submitted the following signed statement to the President of the Student Council and the chairman of the Senior Nominating Committee:
"We, the undersigned, having been appointed by the President of the Student Council to recount the ballots for Orator in the Senior Class Elections of the Class of 1924, hereby affirm that they obtained the following results: The Committee also announced that of the 14 ballots cast out, 13 were cast out because neither candidate was voted for, and one ballot was cast out because both candidates were voted for.
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