

May Attempt Refutation of "Closed Issue" Dictum in Coolidge's Annual Message--A. G. Alley '01 Will Preside

Judge John Hessin Clarke, noted jurist and League Advocate, will speak at 7.30 o'clock tonight in the Living Room of the Union on the question as to whether America should join the League of Nations.

Judge Clarke is a strong supporter of the League of Nations. He voluntarily gave up his position as associate justice of the Supreme Court and Chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission to take up the cudgel for the League as a leader of the League of Nations Non-Partisan Association. Judge Clarke had become convinced of the importance of the work of educating the public mind in this respect. He considered it of more value to his country and to humanity than his work as justice of the Supreme Court and Chairman of the Commission.

And now the object for which he has given up so much, for which he is fighting so hard has been pronounced a dead issue. President Coolidge, referring to the League in his message to Congress, said. "The incident, so far as we are concerned, is closed." Does Judge Clarke agree with him? Will he bow to this dictum? It will be interesting to bee how he refutes this sentiment in his speech tonight.

Mr. A. G. Alley '01, who spoke at the Union on November 14 on "The fight for the Rhine, Ruhr, and Saar", has con to introduce Judge Clarke.


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