An official farewell to William Haines was given last night when the members of his last year's two 150 pound crews gathered at a dinner at the Harvard Club to pay their tribute to the departing coach.
Coach Haines, who has had special charge of the light-weight squad during the past two years, was presented with a framed picture of the two 150-pound eights which he coached last spring.
Coach Haines spoke of his regret in leaving, saying that he had always enjoyed his work form the time when he took it up in 1916 He paid a special tribute to Dr. R. H. Howe Jr. '04, University crew coach in 1922, who was also present, saying that he had done more for Harvard rowing than any other man in recent years Drawing an analogy between crew in American colleges and crew as it exists in England, he dwelt especially on the nearer approach to a similarity or attitude toward the sport "The English attitude has always been to regard the sport as a sport, while American colleges have been prone to regard it more as a task. Due largely to the rowing for all policy lately established, the attitude at Harvard has changed appreciably toward the former Rowing has become a real sport."
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