Coach William Haines leaves the University to take charge of the Technology crews, and in losing him the University loses one who has done a great service for rowing during the past eight years. Coach Haines has achieved success both as a coach of the 'Varsity and of the 150 pound crews, and he enjoys the distinction of having coached the last crew to beat Yale, and also the one which holds the record for the Thames course.
Success, however, is not measured wholly by the balancing of victory and defeat, but also by the more intangible element of esteem. The farewell dinner which was tendered him last night by those whom he has coached during the past year bears witness to his possession of this element. Always well liked socially, his abilities in a musical way at crew dinners have become traditional.
Although his loss will be severely felt, all who knew him will wish him the best of luck in his new post, and will follow with interest the success of his new crews on the Charles.
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