

Taking the kiddies to the Glee Club seems to have been considered by Boston's outer-circle parents far preferable to movies or prize fights, for it is reported that already the house is sold out for the Glee Club's concert next week. It would seem to many remarkable that a program of "high-brow" music could draw such a throng of children (unless they were dragged to it by the ears). But if one has ever sat in the second balcony's serious and enthusiastic atmosphere at a Symphony Concert, one will know that such a program for such natively musical people is an attraction rather than a deterrent.

In giving this concert the Glee Club is following in the footsteps of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, which has for some time given concerts at a nominal price for school children. There is far more truth than poetry in Plato's dictum that children should be stamped with good taste as soon as possible. Instead of coming down to the level of the audience with a rendition of "Barney Google," the Glee Club will put in practise the theory of educating the audience up to its level. If moving picture producers, radio story-tellers, and the raft of authors of children's books would only do the same, how many "bromides" would the world be spared!
