

His Condition Still Uncertain--Other Members of Team Ready to Start--To Practice at Princeton Tomorrow

"We will beat Princeton," was the confident cry of the 500 men who marched to Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon to cheer the team as it ran through its formations in the Stadium.

This was the first time in many years that the college had marched to the field before a Princeton game. Heretofore it had been a celebration reserved solely for the game with Yale. This year the importance which the University attaches to the Princeton game seemed to justify the demonstration.

Yesterday's parade was smaller than those before the Yale game, but no less enthusiastic. As the men swarmed out into the Stadium the cheer that broke out from the crowd showed in no uncertain manner the confidence of the college.

Each of the three teams lined up in quick succession. McGlone sent the first University team through a rapid series of plays. Then the team scattered over the field. George Owen sent a high kick off into their midst. Jenkins received it and the eleven thundered back up the field to the goal line and then trotted off the field.

"I think that Harvard ought to beat Princeton on Saturday because Princeton is reported to be just a little bit better," said C. C. Buell '23, captain of last year's football team. "I don't mind having Harvard called the under dog. For the past four years Harvard has gone into the Yale game as the underdog, and for the past four years Harvard has beaten Yale.


"In each of the games with Princeton, on the other hand, the critics halled Harvard and Princeton as equal terms. Yet not once has Harvard beaten Princeton in those four games.

"I am in favor of being the underdog--when the under dog wins!"

Spalding next sent his B team through a similar manoeuvre. Moseley followed with team C. Then with one last cheer for the team, the crowd surged out of the stands and packed the space in front of the Locker Building.

B. McK. Henry '24 and J. K. Merrill '24 led three regular Harvard cheers The band began the football songs and the crowd followed it out of the field again with the final cry. "We will beat Princeton."

The practice which preceded yesterday's demonstration was very like the work out on Tuesday. Signal practice, dummy scrimmage, and work with the seconds was the order of events.

Several more men from the injured squad were back in the tanks yesterday. Eastman was at right tackle on team A, and on team B, Crosby was back at end Howe and Hammond were the only members of the Hammond were the only members of the squad of 42 players who will make the trip to Princeton tonight who were not dressed and in action yesterday Howe's condition is still uncertain but Hammond is almost sure to be in the lineup on Saturday.

With Hammond in for Jenkins on Saturday, the starting lineup will be the same as it was in yesterday's practice right end. Hill; tackle, Eastman; right guard, Dunker; center, Greenough; left guard, Hubbard; left tackle, Evans; left end, Combs; quarterback, McGlone; right halfback, Cheek; left halfback, Coburn; fullback, Hammond.

The squad will have a light workout tomorrow afternoon before entraining for Princeton. Leaving at five o'clock they will spend the night in New York; on Friday they will proceed to Princeton for a slight workout in the Palmer Stadium. Friday evening the squad will motor to Trenton to spend the night at the Stacey Trent Hotel. On Saturday they will return to Princeton to meet the Tiger before a crowd of 57,000

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