Ten fellowships of $1,200 each to enable graduates of American colleges to study at the principal universities of France have been announced by the American Field Service for the year 1924-25. In an article especially contributed to the CRIMSON Dr. I. L. Kandel, the executive secretary for the award of the fellowships describes the scope and purpose of the American Field Service fellowships which have been given out each year since the close of the World War. The text of Dr. Kandel's article follows:
"In order to perpetuate among future generations of French and American youths the mutual understanding and fraternity of spirit which marked the relations of the two countries during the war, an organization has been established, known as the American Field Service Fellowships for French Universities. This organization proposes to award fellowships for advanced study in France to students selected from American colleges, universities, and technical schools, as well as occasional fellowships for French Students in American universities.
"It has been long felt that advanced American students, who are continuing their studies in Europe, have not availed themselves to any adequate extent of the great advantages offered by the French universities in every field of science and learning. This is due chiefly to the fact that these advantages have not been brought sufficiently to their attention. We therefore propose to encourage the development of a body of university scholars who by personal acquaintance with French achievements will be in a position to restore in all branches of American public opinion the just status of French science and learning and a better appreciation of France's place in the fore-front of the civilization of the world.
"The American Field Service Fellowships have been established to promote this object. While it is planned by this direct method to secure among American scholars a better appreciation of the contributions of the French universities to science and learning. It is hoped that through such fellowships the peoples of the world who cherish the same ideals of democracy, justice, and liberty will be helped to know one another better, to understand and appreciate more fully one another's character and aims, to seek larger benefits from one another's labors and achievements in various field of human activity, and more and more to cooperate in the realization of their hopes and ambitions.
"The French universities afford opportunities to American students in every field of study and research. The list of studies includes everything from agriculture and architecture to zoology, not omitting English language and literature.
"The requirements for the various degrees, or doctorates, vary somewhat in each field of study and in each of the universities, but in general the term of study is two years or more.
"The fellowships for 1924-25, not to exceed ten in number, will be awarded for one year to each successful applicant and extended a second year when ever circumstances warrent it. The qualifications expected of each applicant are merely that he shall be of age an American citizen, and a graduate of a college or professional school. Applications will be received until December 15, 1923, and the final awards will be made in the early spring of 1924 For a more complete and detailed description of the fellowships to French universities, further information may be obtained on application to the Secretary of the Society, at 525 West 120th street, New York"
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