Archbishop Nahan Soderblom, Primate of Sweden, who is now visiting the United States, will lecture at the University on Tuesday evening, November 27. His lecture on "The Scholar, the Ascetic, and the Hero in Religion--Erasmus, Loyola, and Luther," will be delivered in the New Lecture Hall at eight o'clock, and will be open to the public.
Archbishop Soderblom is to be the guest of the University for several days and will preach in Appleton Chapel at the Sunday morning service on November 25.
He reached New York late in September and is now in the west. He is to be in Philadelphia about the middle of November, then visits Chicago, and reaches Boston by November 25.
"Most Beloved Man in Northern Europe"
Famous ecclestiastically as Archbishop of Upsala and Primate of the Church of Sweden, the Rt. Rev. Nathan Soderblom is popularly known as the best loved man in Northern Europe. He was born in 1866 in Helsingland and educated at the University of Upsala, of which he has been pro-Chancellor since 1914. He received his A. M. degree there in 1886, and in 1892, by studies and research, he won a degree as Doctor of Sacred Theology. At the University of Paris in 1901 he was the first Swedish student to secure a Ph.D. degree there. Archbishop Soderblom served as rector of the Swedish Church in Paris from 1894 to 1901, when he returned to become a professor at Upsala. He was a member of the Chapter and Prebendary of Holy Trinity from 1901 to 1914, and a professor at Leipsis University from 1912 to 1914. In 1914 he was elected Archbishop of Upsala, and is Primate of Sweden.
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