

P. B. H. Welfare Committee to Deliver Food to Needy Cambridge Families--Distribution is an Annual Activity

Twenty-five dinners will be distributed this afternoon to as many poor families in Cambridge by the Welfare Committee of the Phillips Brooks House Association. The Committee met yesterday afternoon in the library of Phillips Brooks House under the direction of its chairman, B. F. Rice Basset '25, to discuss plans for purchasing and distributing the dinners today. Orders were placed yesterday afternoon with various Cambridge butchers and grocers and this morning the members of the Welfare Committee will meet to pack the 25 dinners for delivery. During the afternoon four members of the committee will deliver the provisions by automobiles to various needy families in Cambridge which have been recommended by the Cambridge Welfare Union.

The distribution of Thanksgiving dinners is an annual activity of the Phillips Brooks House Association. It is financed by the Association and administered by the Welfare Committee, whose membership, this year, is as follows B. F. Rice Basset '26, chairman, W. H. Gratwick '25, C. L. Petrson '25, Russell Dewart '25, N. S. Howe '26, and J. J. Maher '26.
