By a practically unanimous vote over 230 members of the Hasty Pudding Club and the Institute of 1770, D. K. E., voted to amalgamate the two clubs into one organization, at a meeting held in the Hasty Pudding Club House last night.
This action comes as a result of the growing dissatisfaction of the two clubs with their present condition. For the past decade it has been felt that the two clubs have been going rapidly down hill, overlapping each other and dividing the energy of men who belonged to both organizations. The chief argument against the proposed combination has been that it will mean the throwing over of many old and sacred traditions. But in the drawing up of plans for the amalgamation, it has been particularly emphasized that traditions of each club will be carefuly maintained, and that such traditions will stand a far better chance of surviving in a single strong club than in two weak and failing ones.
At last night's meeting the members of the Hasty Pudding Club and the Institute of 1770 voted almost solidly for the combination of the two clubs. The two-thirds' vote required to amend the Pudding constitution was readily obtained from the Hasty Pudding members, while the members of the Institute voted confidence in their Executive Council, which was delegated to amend the constitution of the Institute of 1770.
The proposed amalgamation will take effect in the fall of 1924 with the beginning of the academic year.
At this time, all members of the Institute of 1770, D. K. E., and the Hasty Pudding Club will automatically become members of the amalgamated club. When the consolidation becomes effective next fall, the members of the Institute of 1770 will leave their present building, which has been leased temporarily from the College, and will combine with the members of the Hasty Pudding Club in the use of the present Hasty Pudding building. This will be renovated and enlarged during the summer.
The first definite agitation towards the consolidation which was effected last night, began in the winter of 1922, when an informal committee started working to investigate the club situation in the University. This committee continued work throughout the spring. At the beginning of this college year, a new official committee was appointed by B. McK. Henry '24, undergraduate vice-president of the Hasty Pudding Club, and W. E. Crosby '24, president of the Institute of 1770, D. K. E., and the presidents of various other clubs in the University. This new committee, composed of Seniors and graduates, was selected to draw up a tentative plan of action. Of the 24 members of this committee, 11 were selected as an executive committee. Their general plan of action was submitted to the meeting last night, and the executive committee was authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to carry out the plans for amalgamation.
The membership of the executive committee is as follows:
Chairman B. McK. Henry '24, secretary, J. D. Baldwin '24, W. E. Crosby '24, Corliss Lamont '24, F. T. Baldwin '24, L. B. Darnon '24, Eugene Reynal '24, Robert Winsor Jr. '05, J. S. Seabury '04, A. H. Parker '97, Neal Rantoul '92.
Other members of the general committee from which the executive committee was chosen are: K. S. Pfaffmann '24, F. K. Kernan '24, H. N. Pratt '24, F. A. O. Schwarz '24, A. L. Hobson '24, J. D. DuBois '24, Charlton MacVeagh '24, E. E. Shafer '24, Thorvald Sanchez '24, H. C. Lodge '24, L. B. Lockwood '24, C. J. Hubbard '24, and T. L. Wells '24.
The executive committee before last night's meeting, submitted unofficially, its plan of consolidation to the graduate boards and the trustees of both clubs, and all of these bodies endorsed the proposed action.
The plan was also submitted to various other graduate members of both clubs, as well as to a large number of undergraduate members whose approval was practically unanimous.
The plan of amalgamation is still indefinite in several respects, but the main line of action was decided last night. The executive committee will determine upon and announce details as soon as possible.
Architects have already gone over the Hasty Pudding Club house with a view to remodelling it to suit the new requirements. Tentative plans have been made for enlarging the stage in the Pudding theatre and adding an asbestos curtain and other improvements to make the stage absolutely fireproof. The main hall of the theatre will be furnished as a club living room, and this furniture will be removed on occasions of dances and plays.
The main change in the building will be the construction of a second story over the theatre to contain a kitchenly in the dining room. Aside from this, tion of the main stairway to lead directly into this dining room. Aside from this, the main building of the club house will be left intact and the front elevation on Holyoke Street will remain unaltered
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