When Robin Hood rapped a wealthy miser on the pate with his quarter-staff and removed his pouch, he usually gave the money, or a large share of it, to the poor. It is much the same beneficient, kindly spirit which pervades the soul of the famous Polish bandit, Mucha. Nothing the dismal condition of his country's finances, he has made out an inventory of his year's "swag", and sent the list plus the income tax upon the amount to the government.
Unfortunately in America the genial spirit or the pricking conscience appears to be lacking. On last Wednesday, for instance, Dr. Frederick Cook, who discovered the North Pole a few degrees south, had to be forcibly divorced of practically twelve thousand dollars in income tax due on capitol collected for illicit oil speculation. And Washington made known that similar steps are about to be taken against a bootleg ring which has obstinately kept its returns close. If this raid is successful the plum which falls ought to be large enough to pay for a soldiers bonus and deepen every indentation on the Atlantic Coast
It is certainly no more than just that these Croesusos should pay for the trade which the Volstead Act throws their way. But if they were less short sighted and would open their hearts to Mucha's benign example, tax collectors might be more leniently disposed and the public might cast a bland smile upon them. For everyone loves a cheerful public spirited giver, even though he rob Peter to pay Paul
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