

Teams Differ in No Department by More Than Three Pounds--What Difference There Is Will be in Favor of Blue Eleven in Today's Contest

The Harvard and Yale University football teams will be practically equal in weight and size this afternoon according to a comparison of the probable line-ups. Figures show that in no department do the two teams differ in weight by more than three pounds.

The Crimson eleven will average 182 pounds per man, while the Blue team will average 184 pounds, giving Yale an advantage of only two pounds per man. In the backfield the advantage in weight will be practically negligible, the Harvard backfield averaging 173 pounds and Yale's 172.

From end to end the Crimson line will average 189 pounds, while the Yale forwards will have a three pounds advantage, the Blue average being 192 pounds. From tackle to tackle, Eastman's 210 pounds, and Milstead's 215 help to raise the average of both rush lines to 197 pounds. HARVARD STATISTICS First Eleven Name and Position  Age  Wt.  Ht.  Prep. School Combs '26, end  19  170  5.11  Culver Eastman '24, tackle  22  210  6.01  Scottsbluff High Hubbard, C. J., '24, guard  21  198  6.02  Milton Greenough '25, center  19  185  6.02  Groton Dunker '25, guard  20  190  6.01  Exeter Evans '25, tackle  23  202  5.11  Marquette Hill '24, end  20  170  5.11  Roxbury Latin McGlone '26, quarterback  26  150  5.07  Exeter Lee '24, quarterback  22  160  5.09  Milton Hammond '24, back  21  184  5.10  Roxbury Latin Cheek '26, back  20  172  5.10  Exeter Coburn ocC., back  24  185  5.11  Noble and Greenough Squad Adie '26, guard  19  170  6.00  St. Marks Akers '25, quarterback  20  150  5.10  St. Marks Beals '25, end  21  175  6.01  St. Marks Bradford, C. H., '26, tackle  19  186  6.01  Browne and Nichols Bradford, E. H., '26, end  19  180  6.00  Browne and Nichols Bradford, Standish, '24, center  22  176  6.01  Browne and Nichols Cooper '24, guard  21  201  5.11  Hackley Cordingley '25, back  19  172  5.10  Browne and Nichols Crosby '24, end  21  170  6.00  Newton High Daniell '26, guard  18  180  5.10  Salisbury Donovon '24, guard  20  230  5.08  Boston Latin Gordon '24, end  21  180  5.11  Gloucester Grew '24, guard  22  220  5.10  St. Marks Hoag '25, tackle  21  178  6.01  Roxbury Latin Hobson '24, tackle  21  190  6.02  Exeter Howe '26, back  20  164  5.08  St. Paul Howe '24, quarterback  21  128  5.07  Milton Hubbard, R. S., '24, tackle  21  196  6.03  St. George's Jenkins '24, back  23  169  5.10  Mercersburg Kernan '24, center  20  178  6.02  Milton Laimbeer '26, guard  18  200  6.03  St. Paul's Lockwood '24, back  21  170  5.11  Middlesex Macomber '26, center  18  190  6.02  Browne and Nichols Maher '26, back  22  163  5.07  Choate Mosely '26, quarterback  19  145  6.00  St. Marks Nichols, L. R., '24, back  22  155  5.07  Country Day Nichols, R. F., '24 back  21  175  5.08  Browne & Nichols Pfaffmann '24, quarterback  23  187  6.01  Andover Robb '25, end  19  165  5.09  Exeter Rogers '25, back  19  165  5.06  Lynn Classical Samborski '25, back  19  176  5.09  Boston Latin Spalding '25, quarterback  21  145  5.09  Milton Theopold '25, tackle  21  186  6.01  St. Marks Turney '24, center  19  165  6.00  Horace Mann Vietor '26, tackle  19  183  5.11  Exeter YALE STATISTICS First Eleven Name and Position  Age  Wt.  Ht.  Prep. School Bingham '26, end  20  178  6.00  Flushing High Milstead '26, tackle  22  215  6.01  Rock Island High Eckhart '25, guard  19  200  6.01  Hotchkiss Lovejoy '25, center  20  190  5.10  Exeter Diller '24, guard  26  192  6.00  Sanantio High Blair '24, tackle  21  195  6.03  Hotchkiss Luman '25, end  23  180  6.02  Exeter Richeson '24, quarterback  21  174  5.10  New Orleans High Neale '25, back  22  175  5.10  Parkersburg High Pond '25, back  21  170  5.10  Hotchkiss Mallory '24, back  21  170  5.10  Pomfret Squad Batty '24, guard  25  220  6.03  Andover Bench '26, back  21  172  5.10  Exeter Butterworth '26, tackle  19  195  6.02  Exeter Burt '26, tackle  20  180  6.00  Salisbury Capen '26, tackle  21  180  5.10  Taft Chamberlin '24, guard  22  201  5.11  Pomfret Coene '24, back  22  192  6.01  Stevens Prep. Cottle '24, back  18  167  6.01  Andover Deaver '24, end  21  170  5.11  Hill Esselstyn '25, guard  21  210  6.02  Hotchkiss Greene '24, tackle  21  187  6.01  Andover Hass '24, back  21  176  5.10  Westport High Hart '25, end  21  165  6.01  Taft Hubbard '24, guard  20  180  6.01  Hotchkiss Hulman '24, end  22  172  5.11  Wercester Landis '24, center  21  195  6.01  Chicago High Lincoln '24, end  21  180  6.10  Hotchkiss Miller '24, tackle  20  190  6.02  Peddie Murphy '24, quarterback  22  166  5.09  St. Louis University Neidlinger '24, back  23  165  5.09  Andover Norris '24, back  21  190  6.00  St. Paul's O'Hearn '24, back  21  176  5.11  Exeter Pillsbury '24, guard  20  221  5.11  Hotchkies Riley '26, guard  20  156  6.08  Andover Scott '25, back  21  200  6.01  St. Paul's Wienecke '26, quarterback  24  150  5.11  Andover Stevens '26, back  23  170  5.11  Washburu
