
Want 100 Harvard Men As Actors

Sir John Martin-Harvey's troup of actors, which opens a four weeks engagment at the Boston Opera House on November 25, is seeking 100 super numeraries for its Boston performances and is seeking them at the University Any student who cares to participate in the performances and who cares to earn the regular remuneration paid to supernumeraries, should apply to Mr. B. F. Lang at the Boston Opera House next Thursday afternoon between 4 and 6 o'clock.

Sir Martin-Harvey, a famous producer and scene designer of England, is presenting during his stay in Boston Greek plays, such as Sophocies "Oedipua Rex". Shakaperian dramas in cluding "Hamlet" and "The Taming of the Shrew", and modern drama such as Maeterlink's "Burgomaster of Stillemonde."
