

The Why of Deputations

(The CRIMSON invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)

To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

Your editorial of some days ago pointing out the "unsuspected dangers" in the new deputation work, was written under a misunderstanding of the work which the Phillips Brooks House plans to do this year. For some years past the Christian Association here has carried on the particular work you described as "ticklish"--and without failing into the pitfalls you pointed out.

But sending delegations to high schools and prep schools is not the purpose of this new work. It is to visit small communities of from two hundred to two thousand people that these teams are being organized. Now towns of this type can seldom boast of a high school, and if at all, of only a meagre three or four room affair. It is because the boys of these places know so little of the athletics, organizations, and activities common to the average city high school and preparatory school led that they need the contact and influence of the college man. They know nothing of real, organized athletics; they are not prospective members of Harvard or any other college; and it is not among them that one would look for an athlete to bring to Harvard. Talking to these boys about college is not intended so much to influence them to plan definitely to go to college, as it is to place before them an ideal which will enlarge their visions and arouse their ambitions.

It is too great a step from the country school to Harvard University to infer any such purpose as proselyting into the work. A. D. PHILLIPS JR. '96,   Chairman Deputations.
