

Illness Will Prevent ex-Justice, From Keeping Engagement to Speak on League of Nations Tomorrow

Mr. Arthur E. Morgan, president of Antioch College, will speak in the Faculty Room of the Union on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. His subject is "New Movements in Education". He is speaking under the auspices of the Graduate School of Education and the meeting will be open to all members of that school as well as to Union members. Dean Holmes will introduce Mr. Morgan.

President Morgan is a reclamation engineer, who became interested in Education when he found it necessary to educate the children of his employees, and founded the Moraine Park School in Dayton, Ohio. Several years ago when Antioch College in Antioch, Ohio, got into financial embarrassment, he was asked by the Trustees of the College to become its president.

Mr. Morgan immediately inaugurated a new system of education at Antioch. An arts degree is now taken after six years. Each man divides his time between industrial work and study, both of which are under college supervision, students being given industrial work,--office, factory, farm, etc. Mr. Morgan will tell with what success this scheme has met.

Clarke Unable to Speak

Mr. John Hessin Clarke, ex-associate justice of the United States Supreme Court, has informed President Lowell, that he will be unable to keep his engagement at the Union tomorrow because of a slight illness. He had intended to speak on the League of Nations. The Union states, however, that efforts are being made to secure Justice Clarke for a later date.
