

Decides to Conduct Student Friendship Drive for $5000 in January to Help Needy in Europe

The Student Council last night decided to conduct a Student Friendship Drive early in January to raise $5,000 for the aid of needy students in central and Eastern Europe. Nearly all the colleges in the Country are combining to aid in collecting several hundred thousand dollars for European relief. The chairman of this committee will be appointed later.

Greenough and Beals New Committeemen

M. W. Greenough '25, president of the Junior class, and E. M. Beals Jr., '25, a Junior Student Council member, were elected the Junior members of the executive committee of the Council.

Gardner Cowles Jr., '25, was appointed chairman of the 1925 Dormitory Committee which will allot the Yard dormitory rooms to the 1925 classmen next spring. The other members of this Junior committee are: J. H. Child, J. B. Tailer Jr., W. P. Beal, J. D. Lodge, Joe de Ganahl, W. S. Blanchard, A. C. Gunby, Alden Briggs, H. P. Sharp, S. G. French, and D. S. Byers.

Among matters of importance is the fact that the Student Council voted unanimously to give its formal approval to the nation-wide Red Cross Drive and to recommend to the undergraduates that they give cordial support to the present drive for membership. The Cambridge branch of the Red Cross is conducting a drive in Cambridge at present.


Lamont Heads Scholarship Committee

The Council also appointed three committees, Corliss Lamont '24 is the chairman of the scholarship committee, the other members of which are: F. E. Bowman '24, H. T. Dunker '25, J. H. Finley '25, and H. P. Curtis '25. Asa Davis '24 will head the committee in charge of the Friday afternoon teas which begin at the Union November 30. Other members are F. S. Hill '24, J. U. Harris '24, W. L. Boyden '25, T. L. Eliot '25. No chairman has been selected for the entertainment committee. Its membership, however, will consist of the assistant managers of all sports and the following three men: K. S. Pfaffmann '24, W. E. Crosby '24, and F. S. Mosely '26
