

Have Shown Remarkable Improvement in Attack Since Defeat by Yale Three Weeks ago--Sheldon Will be Out

A team of substitutes will face the experienced Brown eleven before a crowd which it is estimated will be about 45,000 in the Stadium tomorrow afternoon. Some of the regulars will be resting for the Yale game, and others will be sent to New Haven to watch Yale and Princeton fight out the second round of the championship. Hammond, Dunker, and Eastman are the only first string players who will face the Bear. In the lineup which scrimmaged as team A in practice yesterday afternoon and which is certain to start against Brown tomorrow, Gordon will be at right end and Robb at left. Robb is a former back who joined the end squad in the middle of the season, and tomorrow will make his first appearance in his new capacity. Eastman and Hobson will work together at tackles; Grew and Dunker will be the guards; and Standish Bradford at center. Spalding will direct the team at quarterback; the halfbacks will be Howe and Lockwood; and Hammond, at full back, will have a chance to get his punting back into shape after a long absence on account of injuries.

It is a team, however, with considerable power and many of its members will profit by the additional experience of one more game before facing Yale. Several men, notably Howe, Hobson, and Hammond have been kept from active practice by injuries while Dunker and Robb are still new to their positions and need further experience. Lockwood and Bradford have played only for short periods in the action of regular games.

The greater part of yesterday's practice was spent getting this team into shape for tomorrow's game. For half an hour the first team drove its attack against team B. Then Coach Knox's scrubs were called in and team A went on the defense against a quick succession of Brown formations.

The Brown team is expected to have a stiff attack, its power having steadily increased since its 21-0 defeat at the hands of Yale three weeks ago. In penetrating Dartmouth's defense for two touchdowns last Saturday. Brown showed a driving attack that will be a real threat to the Crimson goal. And although the absence of Sheldon at end will prove to be a severe handicap tomorrow, the development of Payor, Sweet, and Klump in the backfield during the past week has given an added impetus to the Brown Offense.
