(The CRIMSON invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
How wonderful in the eyes of the founder, and those that helped in placing the University on its feet, would be their feelings could they study the University and the letting down of the gates of admission to those of a religious see; that they had distrust for, in those days, and who even now have duplicity in their hearts; men of the Roman faith who are heads of athletic teams, class day marshals, and who have banded together and have even a club: I ask you to be frank--let us look at it from a different angle--let it be a Catholic University, asking you would these honors and privileges be given men of Protestant faith and I know positively your answer would be "no"; you say I am narrow; have I not studied the Roman church for centuries past: is the Roman church of Mexico any different from the church here? isn't its purposes the same it being a question of numerical strength, and their arrogance being in proportion to that strength. Silently they work--with the same purpose in view that they had centuries ago, that of combining the power of church with state.
I have lived many years in the shadow of Harvard University. I have attended all the games of Harvard vs. Yale until the year 1916 starting with the games in Springfield, and it is my heart and soul wish that Romaniam be kept in its place, outside the confines of our Protestant colleges: I am much opposed to organizations like the Ku Klux, but thank God I am a Mason and as one I look forward to the day when all who consider themselves patriots in the true sense of that word, will have aligned themselves with that order. J. E. Sinclair '91
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