

Collectors Will Make Final Canvass of Their Districts This Morning--Want Clothes, Shoes, Magazines, and Books

The annual fall clothing collection of Phillips Brooks House Association will be made today. The 125 collectors working under the direction of H. K. Thayer '25 will begin this morning with a final canvass of their various districts. During the afternoon trucks will call at the headquarters of the collectors and the contributions, which include old clothes, shoes, magazines, and text books, will be taken to Phillips Brooks House to be sorted and arranged for distribution.

The officers in charge of the drive have issued a special appeal for generous donations this year in view of the fact that the demand for used clothing on the part of several charitable organizations has been unusually heavy.

Especially urgent are the appeals of the Students' Aid Association, which is distributing clothing to needy students in Germany, and of the American Red Cross, which is still sending shipments of clothing to destitute inhabitants of the earthquake districts in Japan. Other organizations which will receive part of the articles contributed in the Phillips Brooks House drive are Robert College of Constantinople, the Cambridge Welfare Union, the Salvation Army, and the Morgan Memorial. Magazines collected in the drive will be consigned to men on the United States merchant marine and in various sailors' homes and hospitals such as that at Charlestown.

Any men who have not been approached by authorized collectors and who wish to contribute clothing or other suitable articles, may leave their contributions with R. K. Thayer '25, Randolph 48, or at Phillips Brooks House before 6 o'clock today.
