

Divisions and Departments to Hold Series on Friday Afternoons in Union at 4.30 o'Clock

The first University tea, for the purpose of giving students the opportunity of becoming better acquainted with the faculty men and their wives, will be given on Friday afternoon. November 30 between 4.30 and 6 o'clock. Five other teas on successive Friday afternoons, omitting the two Fridays, December 21 and 28, have been arranged, the last being on January 18.

In order that students may be able to know at what teas their faculty acquaintances will be, each tea will be devoted to certain departments of the University. Thus, the tea on November 30 will be especially for students and faculty members and their wires in the departments of English, Botany, Anthropology, Fine Arts, and the officers of the administration. All the departments of the University have been imagined to one of six groups, and each group to assigned to one tea. This arrangement, however, has been made only for conveniences according to Mrs. J. B. Conant, secretary of the committee on teas, and consequently, every one, whether a student or one connected with the faculty, will be welcomed at all of the Friday teas.

The teas were very successful last year, 1079 in all attending the six teas, giving an average of almost 160 persons at each.

The complete schedule of the teas follows:

Friday, November 30


Administrative Officers.

Division of Anthropology.

Department of Botany.

Department of English.

Division of Fine Arts.

Friday, December 7

Engineering School.

Department of Government.

Law School.

Department of Military Science.

Friday, December 14

Department of Astronomy.

Division of Classics.

Division of Geology.

Department of Germanic Languages.

Division of Philosophy.

Division of Semitic Languages.

Friday, January 4

Graduate School of Education

Division of Mathematics.

Division of Music.

Department of Physics.

Department of Romance Languages.

Friday, January 11

School of Architecture.

Graduate School of Business Administration

Division of Chemistry.

Divinity School.

School of Landscape Architecture.

Department of Social Ethics.

Friday, January 18

Department of Economics.

Department of History.

Department of Physical Fitness

Department of Zoology.
