

One of the horrors which Harvard has inherited from war days is a kind of log cabin without the attractive rusticity of a log cabin, a brown affair, which squats in the lea of Memorial Hall and is called the Bursar's Office. Ps only value has been to show the need of better accomodations for the University's treasury department. The Planning board has at last announced that the little brown thing is to give place to something bigger and finer and few will mourn its "taking off". There may appear some sentimentalists to carry off large bits as treasures, but it is more likely that even these few will use their bits to keep their fires burning.

The building which is to replace this eyesore is to be in the Georgian style of architecture. And it is eminently fitting that the new office should be in this style for thus will the new order be kept in harmony with the old. Let him who will indulge in the intricate traceries and gargoyles of the gothic. The Planning Board is to be highly commended for choosing an architecture whose dignified simplicity will constantly please the appreciative observer.
