Each member of the Junior class will receive today one of the 700 class election ballots mailed out last night by last year's officers of the class.
Every ballot in order to be counted must be in the hands of the Sophomore ballot committee by tomorrow midnight. To facilitate and encourage the immediate return of the ballots, each Junior classman will receive with his ballot a stamped envelope; addressed to Thayer Cummings '26, chairman of the Sophomore ballot committee which last year's officers of the Junior class have appointed to count the ballots. The other three members on this committee are C. O'D. Iselin '26, Moorfield Story 2nd '26, and V. F. Righter '26.
The Junior classmen will only be required to vote for officers, there being no referendum concerning the advisability of abolishing the ruling that 60 per cent of a class must vote in order to make an election valid, attached on the ballot.
The list of nominees for office follows:
Malcolm Whelen Greenough
Arthur Brooks Harlow
Philip Huntington Theopold
Edward George Lowry Jr.
George Saltonstall Mumford Jr.
Philip Spalding
Walter Scott Blanchard
Gardner Cowles Jr.
Brooks Whitehouse
Student Council
Willis Paine Beal
Edward Mauran Beals Jr.
Alden Briggs
George Wadsworth Burgess
Lawrence Morris
Leonard Lispenard Robb
Harold Richard Robinson
James Bogert Tailer Jr.
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