

Names Men for Tennis and Track Awards--Cogan to Lead Stadium Songs--Baker and Cushman Managers

The Student Council elected Frederick August Otto Schwarz '24, of Greenwich, Connecticut, to its presidency for the coming year, at a meeting last night in the Randolph Hall Breakfast Room.

The other three officers who were elected last night are: vice-president, Karl Slade Pfaffmann '24 of Quincy; clay Hollister Jr. '24 of Grand Rapids, Michigan, secretary; and John Henry Sherburne Jr. '24 of Brookline, treasurer.

Charles Joseph Hubbard 4E.S., captain of the University football team, was elected a member of the Council's executive committee, which is composed of the Council's officers and the two Junior classmen who will be elected at the Junior class postal elections, under way this week.

In addition to the election of officers and the hearing of committee reports, the Council made several recommendations to the Athletic Committee for the awarding of athletic insignia.

Baker and Cushman Appointed Managers


George Pierce Baker Jr. '25 of Cambridge was appointed second team football manager to replace J. B. Taller Jr. '25: John Gedney Cushman '25, of Montclair, New Jersey, was appointed assistant hockey manager to replace J. R. Hooker '25; and B. S. Cogan '23 was appointed song leader for the football games.

The student Council recommended to the Athletic Committee that the following men be awarded the University tennis "H": L. H. Bondi '25, Alden Briggs '25, Maurice Duane '23, W. P. Dixon '25, G. C. Guild '23, W. W. Ingraham '25, K. S. Pfaffmann '24, and Thomas Williams '23, manager. These men, excepting the manager, played against Yale last spring.

Award 1926 Tennis Numerals

Eight '26 numerals were awarded to the seven Sophomores who played Yale in the Freshman matches last June, and to the manager. The men who received '26 numerals are: A. R. Allen, Bernard Bandler, G. D. Debevoise, G. M. Laimbeer, G. R. Perkins, W. T. Smith, A. L. Weisman, and F. B. Swarts, manager.

Because of their participation in the Harvard - Yale vs. Oxford - Cambridge track meet last summer at the Wembly Stadium in London, three of last year's Freshman team were recommended to the Athletic Committee to receive the University track "H" They are: J. N. Watters, R. G. Allen, and W. L. Tibbetts Jr.
